
Installation within the works of restoration and seismic improvements of the new seat of the town hall

Installation within the works of restoration and seismic improvements of the new seat of the town hall

Photovoltaic system in Jordan

Photovoltaic system in Jordan

Cylindrical tower project for telecommunication in Modena

Cylindrical tower project for telecommunication in Modena

Realization of three multi-storey metal walkways at the Polyclinic of Siena

Realization of three multi-storey metal walkways at the Polyclinic of Siena

Realization of an external technical volume of an existing building – Sala Bolognese

Realization of an external technical volume of an existing building – Sala Bolognese

Intervention of restoration inside the exhibition hall n.29of Bologna Fairgrounds

Intervention of restoration inside the exhibition hall n.29of Bologna Fairgrounds

Ceramica Sant’Agostino – Seismic upgrading of warehouses

Ceramica Sant’Agostino – Seismic upgrading of warehouses

Magneti Marelli – Seismic upgrading of the office building

Magneti Marelli – Seismic upgrading of the office building

Geotechnical modeling of the soil inside the Bunge plant

Geotechnical modeling of the soil inside the Bunge plant

Expantion of the nursing home Villa Chiara

Expantion of the nursing home Villa Chiara

Adaptation of the nursing home Toniolo

Adaptation of the nursing home Toniolo

Planning foundations for silos for cereals storage

Planning foundations for silos for cereals storage

Field tests on FDP piles

Field tests on FDP piles

Geotechnical analysis for the design of new tourist facilities in Belize

Geotechnical analysis for the design of new tourist facilities in Belize

Project of the foundations of a new industrial complex located in Bologna

Project of the foundations of a new industrial complex located in Bologna

Stadium foundation project in Cameroon

Stadium foundation project in Cameroon

Expansion of Rocca zincature plant

Expansion of Rocca zincature plant

Foundation of palace of Cento

Foundation of palace of Cento

Wind towers at the hub in San Martino in Pensilis

Wind towers at the hub in San Martino in Pensilis

Bulkhead of micropiles

Bulkhead of micropiles

Gela photovoltaic plant project

Gela photovoltaic plant project

Eni Ferrera photovoltaic system

Eni Ferrera photovoltaic system

KME photovoltaic plant in Serravalle Scrivia (AL)

KME photovoltaic plant in Serravalle Scrivia (AL)

Maintenance of the ecclesiastical building following the earthquake in 2012

Maintenance of the ecclesiastical building following the earthquake in 2012

Renovation of Cassa di Risparmio di Cento

Renovation of Cassa di Risparmio di Cento

Extensible Shelter project

Extensible Shelter project

Wind poles project in Sicily

Wind poles project in Sicily

Residential building in Cento (FE)

Residential building in Cento (FE)

Renovation project of the company Metalmobile S.a.s.

Renovation project of the company Metalmobile S.a.s.

Refurbishment office – canteen building at Hera headquarters in Granarolo

Refurbishment office – canteen building at Hera headquarters in Granarolo

Removal of the asbestos cement roofs at Hera – Granarolo

Removal of the asbestos cement roofs at Hera – Granarolo

Extentions of the headquarters of Hera – Forlì

Extentions of the headquarters of Hera – Forlì

New experimental laboratory and restructuring of costumer desk – Forlì

New experimental laboratory and restructuring of costumer desk – Forlì

Extention of the laboratories and locker room – Hera of Ravenna

Extention of the laboratories and locker room – Hera of Ravenna

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