CLIENT: Rocca S.r.l.
LOCATION OF INTERVENTION: Via di Vittorio n°29-31 loc Crespellano.
SERVICES RENDERED: geotechnical and structural design and supervision of works of the intervention

1. Project Description

Teleios has designed both the elevated structures attached to the new shed and the foundations of the shed and of all the structures (canopy, thermal power plant, tunnel) of the new Rocca Zincature plant that has been built in Via di Vittorio n.°29-31, in Crespellano, Municipality of Valsamoggia (BO).
The foundation apparatus consists of surface type foundations.
The designed structures are the foundations of:

  • The prefabricated reinforced concrete shed.
    The connection tunnel of the extension to the existing shed, realized with a steel structure with a 10cm thick sandwich panel covering and lateral plugging through panels, and the related foundations
  • The heating plant
  • The internal service room, including the locker room and the canteen with a reinforced concrete septum for the staircase
  • The canopy
  • A canopy
  • Support wall to guard the sewer pipe detected during the inspection and to overcome the difference in level between the new and existing shed.

2. Geotechnical Model

The construction of the geotechnical model is aimed at obtaining the parameters that will be used in the design of the foundations of the new production shed owned by Rocca Zincature to be built in Via di Vittorio n.°29-31, in Crespellano, Municipality of Valsamoggia (BO).
The geotechnical model illustrated here, obtained following the interpretation of all the geognostic investigations conducted, is intended to provide indications regarding the lithology and the main resistance and deformability parameters of the soil under examination.

3. Canopy, shelter and tunnel

The canopy and the shelter are two elevated structures made entirely of steel with a cover made of sandwich panels.
The connections between the different profiles constituting the elevated structure are guaranteed by bolted unions; the connection with the foundation structure is guaranteed by a dual system composed of grouting with chemical anchors and anchor bolts integral with the foundation structure.
The tunnel connects the new building to the existing plant. The elevated structure is made entirely of steel, and has a roof made of sandwich panels.

4. Geometry of foundations

The foundations of the shed are made of plinths connected with connecting beams which are larger on the edge of the shed in order to act also as panel-holding beams.
The foundation plinths consist of a foundation slab cast on site and a lower slab.
The slabs of the plinths are of variable dimensions.
The foundation apparatus of the connection tunnel is made up of a grid of beams 0.8m wide and 0.7m thick.
A plan is attached to help understand the geometry of the grid.
The beam grid connects six of the eight pylons. The other two pillars are directly on the retaining wall.
The foundations of the central heating plant will consist of a slab of about 40 cm thickness.
This thickness will be included in the height of the glass of the foundations so as not to interfere with the slabs of the plinths of the shed itself.
The foundations of the canopy are made of a slab 0.4m thick so as not to interfere with the slabs of the plinths of the shed.
The foundations of the canopy consist of enlargements of the plinths of the shed.

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