Photovoltaic system in Jordan

Photovoltaic system in Jordan

PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM IN JORDAN CLIENT: NUBIAN FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY PSC – Group company ENERRAY S.r.l.PERFORMANCE CARRIED OUT: feasibility, preliminary draft, final, executive, structural, plant design.START/END OF WORK: 2015-2016 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project...
Gela photovoltaic plant project

Gela photovoltaic plant project

GELA PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANT PROJECT In line with national and international energy policy guidelines relating to the promotion of the use of renewable sources and the reduction of climate-changing gas emissions, Eni S.p.A. has launched the second phase of a nationwide...
Eni Ferrera photovoltaic system

Eni Ferrera photovoltaic system

ENI FERRERA PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM In order to power the Green Data Center, where the new supercomputer called HPC4 is located, quadrupling the power of the entire infrastructure and making it the most powerful in the world at industrial level, a photovoltaic plant has...
KME photovoltaic plant in Serravalle Scrivia (AL)

KME photovoltaic plant in Serravalle Scrivia (AL)

KME PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANT IN SERRAVALLE SCRIVIA (AL) CLIENT: Ergyca Industrustrial S.r.l , Foro Buonaparte, 44 – Milan (MI) and Company of Ergy Capital S.p.A. Group – Florence (listed on the Italian Stock Exchange)SERVICES RENDERED: Preliminary design, final...

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