CLIENT: Ergyca Industrustrial S.r.l , Foro Buonaparte, 44 – Milan (MI) and Company of Ergy Capital S.p.A. Group – Florence (listed on the Italian Stock Exchange)
SERVICES RENDERED: Preliminary design, final design, executive design, obtaining of permits, construction supervision and safety during design and execution phase.
AMOUNT OF WORKS: A total of € 19,762,000 for the two plants on roofs and parking lots
CONTRACTOR: Green Plant S.r.l. – Modena (for the plant on the plant towers) and Energetica Solare S.p.a. – Naples (for the plant in the parking lots)
DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS: n° 21.460 polycrystalline PV modules of 220 and 230 Wp for a total of 4,7 MWp on a surface of 38.000 m2


Photovoltaic system that at the time and for some time was the most powerful in Italy for its type of installation (integrated on roofs).
The project involves the construction of 2 photovoltaic (PV) systems at the KME Italia S.p.A. plant in Serravalle Scrivia (Al):

  • PV system built at the new and existing parking lots of the plant with a total peak nominal power of 1,801.8 kWp;
  • PV system consisting of 12 subfields, built on the roofs (towers) of the plant buildings, with a total peak nominal power of 2,704.8 kWp.

The two photovoltaic plants are connected to the medium and low voltage distribution network, in alternating current, inside the plant, which in turn is connected to the high voltage (HV) transmission and distribution network of Enel Distribuzione through
1. a Category III system fed at 132 kV from the HV busbar system of the Enel primary substation;
2. two HV/MV transformers, which reduce the 132 kV voltage to 15 kV.
The morphology of the area in which the plant is present is flat.
The photovoltaic modules that make up the system of the roofs are installed on support structures coplanar to the surfaces of the roofs, so as to ensure the total
architectural integration. The photovoltaic system of the roofs is connected to the LV distribution network inside the plant and is composed of the following elements:

  • photovoltaic field (or photovoltaic generator), divided into 12 subfields;
  • string parallel boxes and string monitoring equipment;
  • power conversion and control units (inverters);
  • LV/LV transformers;
  • LV protection, control and interface devices;
  • conduits for the connection of the various components of the system and grounding, as well as for the connection to the LV network of the plant.

The photovoltaic field of the parking lots consists of photovoltaic modules, installed on support structures covering the parking lots, arranged in parallel rows. The photovoltaic system of the new and existing parking lots is connected to the internal MV distribution network of the plant and consists of the following elements:

  • photovoltaic field (or photovoltaic generator), divided into 3 subfields;
  • string parallel boxes and string monitoring equipment;
  • power conditioning and control units (inverters);
  • LV/MV transformers;
  • MV protection, control and interface devices;
  • MV/LV transformers and related LV lines for the supply of auxiliary users;
  • uninterruptible power supplies (UPS);
  • conduits for the connection of the various components of the system and grounding, as well as for the connection to the plant’s MV network.

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