The Teleios studio has been involved in the realization of a mobile equipment room for telephone operators. For this purpose it has been designed a technical volume installed on an articulated car, realized with metal bearing structure and buffered with sandwich panels. This volume consists of two parts:

  • a fixed part anchored to the base frame of the trailer, with dimensions equal to 2.30×12.13 m;
  • two mobile parts on the sides for the personnel in charge of the maintenance of the apparatus, of a width of about 1.00 m.

These elements allow the structure to be arranged in the following configurations:

  • closed during movements and in general when the equipment maintenance is not required;
  • open once the intervention position has been reached, in case maintenance of the equipment inside is needed.

The structures that make up the carriage shelter are verified and suitable for the use for which they were designed.
The checks carried out are referred to the structural elements (uprights and crossbeams) of the fixed and mobile parts in “open shelter” configuration.
In fact, we did not deal with the verifications of the mechanical parts (closable mechanisms, sliding parts, etc.), hydraulic parts (pistons, jacks, etc.) and connections (wheels, bearings, etc.) that contribute to the passage of the shelter configuration from closed to open and vice versa.

The designed structure has the following dimensions:
2.30×12.13x 313/2.60 m closed configuration
2.30×14.13x 313/2.60 m open configuration

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