CLIENT: Ministry of Sport of the Republic of Cameroon
SERVICES RENDERED: geotechnical and executive design of the foundations and retaining walls of the stadium
CONTRACTOR: Piccini Group

1. Project Description

The Ministry of Sport of the Republic of Cameroon requested the design of a new 60,000-seat sports stadium in Yaounde, Cameroon, and the Teleios firm was responsible for the foundation and retaining walls of the stadium and all related structures.

2. Geological characterization

Two geognostic campaigns were carried out, one in April and one in August in 2016 in which:

  • 4 wells with sampling
  • 6 SPD tests (these surveys are a type of continuous dynamic penetration test)
  • 17 MASW (surface geophysical tests)
  • 5 HVSR (surface geophysical tests)
  • Laboratory tests (Atterberg limits, grain size analysis, edometric tests, simple shear tests)
  • 13 plate load tests.


3. Geotechnical Model

Deformation analyses of the structures interacting with the soil were performed with a numerical finite element approach using FEM Plaxis 2D geotechnical software.


4. Foundations Geometry

All foundations are of surface type. For the north, south and east sectors of the Stadium, a radial strip was chosen as the foundation for each frame of the superstructure of the stands horizontally connected by ring beams. For the west sector of the Stadium, a continuous slab was designed. The various pillars of the Hotel and the Shopping Center rest on a foundation plinth connected to the others by connecting beams.

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